AWESOME v3 Responsive Blogger Template

AWESOME v3 Responsive Blogger Template

Awesome Blogger Template series is back with its third and probably the last version. This time we are publishing this premium template for free without any encrypted or hidden scripts!
AWESOME v3 Responsive Blogger Template

DEMO    Download


 - Responsive Design
 - No Encrypted Script
 - SEO Ready
 - Fast Loading
 - Unlimited Color Options
 - Responsive Social Sharing Widget
 Other: Author bio, Emoticon in comments, No Rich Snippets error, YouTube inspired Loading bar, Bouncing Back To Top, Custom 404, Improved Admin Layout, Footer widgets, Admin comment highlighted with 'MOD' and much more.

Installation and Customizations

Installing: Copy all the code in downloaded .xml file and directly paste into your blog HTML (Template->Edit HTML).
Note: Make sure to take backup of your previous template.

Change Template Color

Open Template section from the left side menu and click Customise button(Template->Customise).
In your Blogger Template Designer Panel switch to Advanced Tab change the Main Color.
Change Color | Awesome v3
Chose your color and click Apply to Blog.

Edit All Social Links

Open template HTML(Template->Edit HTML) click anywhere inside code and search(ctrl+F) for "awesomev3" and update all the links found. A comment is present at the top, for your convenience.

Edit Menu Bar Elements

Search for "Edit Menu" in your HTML and edit/modify template menu.

Edit Author Bio and Meta Tags

Again in your template HTML search for "Edit This" and add your data.

Edit Featured Items

In your blog Layout edit Featured Post widget and add your featured items like: (img)
Featured Items
Note: Just add <li> at front and </li> at the end of your featured line.

Liked AWESOME v3 Blogger Template?

If you liked this template please follow us at Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
Also share this with your friends if they are looking for a cool, seo friendly and responsive template without paying for premium version.

Why Use Should Use Awesome v3

As we said this template don't have any hidden script which most of the free blogger templates have which ultimately affects your SEO. So use this template without worrying about SEO related issues.
Also check Awesome v2 if you want post thumbnails and advance search widget.

For Awesome v3 support contact us at: admin(at)

97 Comments Leave new

Finally released! Great Template.


Hey man, thanks alot for this template, i pray God should continue giving you more wisdome to do Awesome templates.


Thanks man, we are glad you like Awesome Template.
Keep Visiting!


Please how do i make it to show my post thumbnails my blog is


Post thumbnails option was present in previous versions of Awesome template, but to increase the page-speed and some other optimizations. V3 don't have that feature. You may try v2 for that or,
If you want to create a custom template for your blog we can add more features according to your needs.
Send us an email and lets discuss there.


The template is awesome as the name it would be better if the thumbnails are shown for posts.


Thumbnails are removed in v3 due to some reasons...
You can check Awesome v2 if you want post thumbnails!


brother how can I edit About Author below posts? I am unable to find it in html


Looks like I forgot to add edit author comment in the template file.
For changing the Author details, goto your template HTML and search for 'Author Description Here' and change the author bio,
change author name(Code Nirvana) by editing the content of above H2,
Set author image by changing the img src (awesomev3.png),
and you will found all the social links few lines below(with awesomev3 text).

Hope this will help you to edit the author bio section!


Very nice template, but I want to add post thumbnails option to this, how can I do this?


As mentioned in above comments, post thumbnails are removed due to some reasons, you can check Awesome v2 having post thumbnails.


Sorry for disturbing you, I want to remove search box, social links and social sharing buttons from the template. What are the codes should I remove?


In your template HTML search for ]]></b:skin> and above/before this add this CSS style:

This will hide all the three section you want to remove and you can remove this CSS if you want to undo the change in future.
And If you want to permanently remove these you can search for the specific CSS id/class and remove the complete DIV.



I have two problems with this template:

1. How do I get all the links on the blog to be of the same color (blue)

Example: (blue color links) (red color links)

2. How do I change the size of the blog title because when accessing an article (whichever) size change (is smaller)

Example: (tile blog normal size) (title blog smaller size)



Thanks for reporting these bugs!
For your first problem (links color): that's not a template issue, red color is styled to them from post editor.

For that title issue: In your template HTML search for this line:
<p class='title' style='background: transparent; border-width: 0px'>

Two lines will be highlighted with this type of code:
<p class='title' style='background: transparent; border-width: 0px'>
     <b:include name='title'/>

Just change <p> tag with <h1> tag and the code will look like this:
<h1 class='title' style='background: transparent; border-width: 0px'>
     <b:include name='title'/>

and finally Save your template!


and paste your complete template HTML, let me fix that heading issue.
just notify me after pasting the code!


I copied. Close the page or leave it open?


I made few adjustments, replace your current code with that and check is it working now.


It works now. Thanks.

Please help me with another problem: "Featured Post widget" does not work properly. I can not edit anything in this widget.


You mean Featured Post Ticker below the navigation? Check configurations section in this post.

you just have to add list items in the widget like this:
<li><a href="post-link1">Post Name1</a></li>
<li><a href="post-link2">Post Name2</a></li>


Well that's the problem. I can not add anything in this widget. Missing "Edit".



Try this trick:

In your Blogger layout window, check URL of the page and copy your blog ID number. (after blogID=)

replace X's from the below link with your blogID and open that link in your browser.

I hope this trick will work...


i want to add adsense ad before and after the post but i should not come on the home page. i has to come when the article is clicked. how to do that.


i a using indigo template and create video thumbnails, so how can i do this


I want it, just download :) thank you .


Awesome Blogger Template series ended with v3.
My next template comes with new name and probably with material design(checked our updated design?)


Yes. I like it! When the new template is available for download?


Haven't started yet! :) New template might take time.


hi bro,am using nirvana template in my blog,but since i uploaded it no any post have been indexed,how can i set up to make sure that my posts are well indexed?my blog is


That might be happening because you are using Awesome v1 template's free version and since the free version is not so good in terms of SEO, you either have to buy the premium version of v1 template or try this(v3) template which is copyright free.
v1 and v2 both are right protected and that's why you can't remove the footer links as well as poor performance in search results.
for further support mail us @ admin(at)


thats means bro once i upload it,will it start indexing itself? or i must customize it?


It means if you use a premium version your blog index rate will be according to google crawl rate and if you want immediate indexing of your latest post then you have to use webmaster tools to tell google to index your latest post as soon as possible!


thanks mr,i have uploaded it and it has started indexing
,but one more thing i need ur help,I want to insert adsense code inside the post ,

one adsense below post tittle
second one between the post and last one below the post,
please show me, how i can edit HTML,thanks.


You can easily add ads above and below post but between post is not possible with template HTML. You have to manually paste the adsense between every post-HTML.

1: Below Title, In your template HTML search for this code <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:post.body/></b:if> Now just before add your adsense code.

2:Post Footer, In your template HTML search for <div id='addthis-share'> just above this add your code.


Hi thank you for providing us nice template.
Here is a problem i am unable to hide blog post date and time. I want to remove it remove it permanently from blog post and main home page. Plz help. thanks


In template HTML search for postmeta and remove this code:

<b:if cond='data:post.dateHeader'>
<script>var postDate = '<data:post.dateHeader/>';</script>
<span class='updated timemeta' itemprop='datePublished'><data:post.dateHeader/></span>
<span class='updated timemeta' itemprop='datePublished'><script>document.write(postDate);</script></span>



The last few days I have a personal blog theme serious error (AWESOME v3). Even when I upload template saved on your computer, error persists. Please help me with this problem.

My blog:

Thank you.


I want side bar on left to change it..


There are two problems in the mobile version of the template:

1. The size on blog title is too big
2. Do not can make comments



these are the problem i am facing with mobile version of the blog
1. all typed words which were supposed to be bold using bold css is Unbold
2. comment box is not working


outstanding template no issues till in terms performance but i have issue in paging .event their are huge posts on my blog but on home page sometimes it shows only one post i wants to show at-least 10 latest posts then after that older post will be appears. i have tried lot but its failed.please help me about it .my blog url is

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Hello Code Nirvana
In recent days i have become a great fan of yours
Plus you are providing such great templates for free

I jst want to know that is this template completely encryption free as i am planning to use it on my site
or will there be some shortcomings to this template

Thanks in Advance


There is no hidden encrypted copyright code in this template, however JS is minified.
there's only one shortcomings i.e, no post preview image on home-page.


hello, i have got problem when i'm using this template, it doesnt show my blog in google search can you fix this problem


how do i show thumbnail if i still want to use V3


Can you help me with SEO Script for this template?


bro how can i change author image


i have a problem when i post any thing on my blog then it does not show description in search results what should i do know


This is a template with a lot of problems. Since I applied for this blog, decreased the number of unique visitors with at least 300.


Search for 'awesomev3.png' in your template code.


I don't think this is due to template.... I checked your listing in search results and I think you have problem with 'Search preferences' settings of your blog.
because your blog archive pages are also indexed and which is not good...
Check articles on Search preferences settings for SEO etc. to correct most of your SEO issues.


OK. Thanks for the advice. You can look now please if it is good?


pls sir where can i download the v2?


bro i have uploaded ,v3 template but it doesnt show in GOOGLE WHY?what can i modfy to make it visible


this is my blog


In my blog it is managed and posting by me and my friend. but each time my friend posts it shows about me at the bottom in author info.
Help me please!!!!!!!


Is it possible for me to set a specific page as the "Home" page? I don't want posts on the first page of the site. Thanks!


sorry, i just joined. very nice templates, and now I wear it.
Then how to make the settings page 404? I tried several methods always fail. Thanks for the response.

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pls how can i download the awesome v2


pls how do i download the awesome v2


Thank you friend....very good template.

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How to add relaated articles with thumbnail ?


Nice and fast loading template. But I have a Question why you need to repeat some style blocks in every post in home page... As example when looking into source code of this demo styles commented RRSS Buttons is repeating 6 times... I used to put 20 posts in home page, so those styles will be a burden...
I am creating blogger templates for last 5 years. If you did that with intention just leave it...


Hey thanks for reporting!
I think that code is placed inside post-loop. I made this template long time ago so don't remember exactly. :)
Will fix this asap.


just downloaded the template now and am in love with it but the only problem i have was:
1. when open a post the header became small pls how do i increase the size of the header size?
2. how do i rearrenage the layout?


i want to delete author bio/description box from post how to do this?


Also how can i delete block style loading?this template already googlestyle i want to erase the block style one...


A;ready found out how to delete author box on post...

Still could not figure out how to delete block style loading..


Hi Team,
I am using AWESOME v3 Responsive Blogger Template In by blog, then onward comments are not displaying.Please let me know what i need to fix.


Hi Team,
I am using AWESOME v3 Responsive Blogger Template In by blog, then onward comments are not displaying.Please let me know what i need to fix.


CODENIRVANA Please update this template as it seems there is a problem with it, it cannot display as before.


Many prb of this Template plz Update.. this Template... plz plz plz


Hi team,
Thanks for your nice template. But I failed to put my post in different tabs. All my posts are in home page. How can I do that?


Hi! brohActually truth to be told where necessary. I have used all your templates starting from V1 to V3,I don't no what to say but they marvelous,and the name 'awesome' to me I can name them fantastic professional blogger templates(my opinion).Am so thankful for this fantastic templates .May God bless you and give you more strength in your work.


please help sir,
how to enable comment system of awesome v3.


I want remove that black loading screen which come when we click on any link. Thanks


Hi, That's a really cool template... Looking more professional as well, Good job guys.. QQ: Is there any way that I can add my LinkedIn link in Social media widget? I'm happy to sacrifice my FB link in that if required.


It's a bit sad to say that, before this template my blog used to come in Google search (at least as a 5th link), but now it is not at all coming even If I give exact same subject of blog title as search query.. any thoughts any one ?

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Great design! Really good one but please how can I change the social media url to my own custom one and also, I noticed its kinda hard to read already posted comments, please reply, thanks.


Great design! Really good one but please how can I change the social media url to my own custom one and also, I noticed its kinda hard to read already posted comments, please reply, thanks.


Sir, you still haven't replied to my previous comment


beautiful template, i like it


Really helpful and informative post thanks for sharing do visit my website


I am also interested in Blogger Template Editing . I have a blog. I am using Blogger Template on my blog which is fully crafted/defined by me.
** based on Bootstrap v4.6
** Adsence Approved


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