AWESOME! 2.0 | Multi-Color Responsive Blogger Template

AWESOME! 2.0 | Multi-Color Responsive Blogger Template


AWESOME! blogger template is better and colorful now. Now the Template comes with 10 COLORS to choose from. You can download your favorite color by viewing it real-time on the demo. You get all this for the price of a facebook like, tweet, or a +1. Please contact us if you have any problems regarding the download process.

Responsive & Retina Ready
Responsive Sticky Drop Down Menu Bar
YouTube inspired Loading bar
Bouncing Back To Top
Advanced Search Box Widget [know more]
Comments With Smiley and Emotions
Comments With Images and Video Support
Author BIO
Other Features: SEO Optimized, Automatic Summary, Auto Read More, Ad Friendly, Bread Crumbs, Threading commenting with Admin comment highlighted with 'MOD' and much more.


Search Box:
Search for " Search Site URL " and change URL with your domain name.

Author BIO:
Search for " Author BIO Section " make changes accordingly.
Change picture, Name, Description, RSS Feed and Social Links.

Featured Posts:
Open Layout Panel and click edit on featured posts section and place the code given below in its content:
 <a href='#'>
    Post Title 1

 <a href='#'>
    Post Title 2

 <a href='#'>
    Post Title 3

Edit above code with your post links and titles.

Social Icons:
Open Layout Panel and click edit on Social Icons section and place the code given below in its content:
<li><a alt='Facebook' class='fb-but' href='' target='_blank'/></a></li>

<li><a alt='Twitter' class='twitter-but' href='' target='_blank'/></a></li>

<li><a alt='Google Plus' class='google-but' href='' target='_blank'/></a></li>

<li><a alt='YouTube' class='youtube-but' href='' target='_blank'/></a></li>

<li><a alt="Pinterest" class="pinterest-but" href="" target="_blank"></a></li>

<li><a alt='RSS Feed' class='rss-but' href='' target='_blank'/></a></li>

Edit above code with your social links.

Need the theme selector?
Contact Here

51 Comments Leave new

Hello question. This is my sample blog to try if this template will work for my blog. I want to use this but the thumbnail doesn't show up on the main page


Hello Khevy!
There are 100+ users which are using Awesome template for their blogs and 90% of blogs are working fine but the rest 10% blogs have the same image error!
We corrected this bug in Awesome 2.0 from the coding side and used new thumbnail script but still we find this error back at your blog....
We will work on this and get back to you when the actual error is pointed out!


how to change max blog posts number ,because blog layout screen it's did not showing ?


Copy the complete xml template code and paste it into your blog HTML...


Thank you very much for this great work. God bless you all.


Thanks Ikenna Gabriel for you kind words..... :)
Keep visiting!


What is The difference between V1 and V2 ??
btw nice work man :) (y)


These are not two different templates.... V2 is just improvement of V1 with multi-colors availability and some extended features!


Thanks a lot for the template.


Thanks for appreciating our work!
Keep Visiting..

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Nice template... I'm using it for a new blog. I want only 2 things... How to join the "Featured Post" bar with the main blog, like it is on your blog. It looks much cleaner when they are joined. Oh and put the search box in the feature post bar. As it is now, on mobile the search bar appears underneath the post, and the results appear on the top of the page... this will confuse anyone who use it on mobile.

And the Next/Previous buttons, with post titles will be a help for me.

Thank you


For making the featured bar look like Code Nirvana.... Edit HTML of the template and search for featured post and social content and move there placements and similarly for search-box.
Its easy to do these customization! Hoping you have basic knowledge of HTML :)


I wasn't able to put the search box inside the features tap, and i just disabled the whole feature bar, because i didn't see much use for it... I managed to put the search box instead of "Contact Us" and works great, on desktop and mobile...

I also managed to add the prev/next, but i have a problem... I can't put them just below the post, not after the comments. I've placed the code in every spot i could, but it didn't worked... It shows below the comments or it doesn't show at all...


Great to know you placed the search box at the place where you want.... The featured post is just an additional feature its not recommended to use it!

firstly the next/prev. widget is from MBT and to place it below your post search for author bio and place the code just below it!

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Nice Template:)


i want to change "this post was wriiten by" in sample post .plz help me


In your template HTML search " This post was written by " and edit it!
I think you missed the customization steps...


Thanks for your support... is this template available in with two menu..that is another menu above "featured".


wud u plz help me to add footer that is present in this website i want to add privacy policy,about us,site map ... so no space in upper menu..thats why ... hope ur reply


Its not available in two menus, there just one menu and a featured ticker with social bar!
for adding footer links... in your template html search " <div id='credit'> " and before the closing of this div place your links!
see this screenshot:


Thanks appreciate your valuable support :)


Pleasure! Thanks for using our template.... Keep Visiting!


nice template but I have problem with it , my blog is in arabic language and I want to translate it but the counter and this image I want change its postion to right, PLZ help me .


Hi, i need your help for my blog.I want to use this but the pictures doesn't show up on the main page.


How do I remove the black loading screen from my blog?? would u please help me. I need your help


In your template HTML search for #page-loader and remove all the page-loader CSS


Hey, thanks for the great template. But I have a doubt! You know the area of the post (don't know the name, sorry), that is a retangular area, like in your website? So, It only shows the first three lines, and I want this area to be longer (not larger, just longer), not just to show more lines, but because I like how it looks. So, if you guys could help me I would be grateful. Oh, and I'm a real freshman on HTML, just to make it clear. ;)


If you want to increase the number of words from the post, shown in the post description than follow these steps:
Edit you template HTML, and search for : summary_noimg = 250;summary_img =250;. change both the values i.e 250 to 350 or 400 anything you want.... and finally save your template html !
Hope this is what you mean by that rectangular area :)


Thanks! It worked, but I researched and discovered that this summary thing is for making resumes of the posts automatically and show an image on the left part of the post. The thing is I'm trying to take this thing off, but until now I can't. I want the posts to be shown as they normally are, without a little image on the left and being resumed, so then I can put the "read more" button manually.
Hope you understand what I want to do. And thanks for the help!


I am trying to change the size of the thumbnail image, but it's not working. I changed the values of width and height, but nothing happened. Could you help me?


Dr Admin, i just download it as going to create a miscellaneous Blog, will get to you for further help.... thanks for this creation..


want to remove the authore info box under the post. and replace it with default blogger type.


brow can u provoid this template for wordpress plzz reply soon as possible


Sorry bro! we build blogger templates only.


hi admin i using this this one to my blog, but i cant edit blog post, also can not comment below the pages


Check Customizations section of above post and change the search site URL in your template HTML!


Visit here: and check all the supported emotions code!
for image/videos just paste the URL ending woth / and it will be displayed


Checked 2-3 posts and its working.... any specific post?


There are lots of tutorial for adding a recent posts widget for blogger, just google it you will find it easily!


How you know its not working?
and please stop mentioning your URL, you already mentioned 5 times in above comments.#noOffense


bro can u provide ur template which u r using if possible :D


Hello friend!!
Nice template!!!!
please tell me how to add colors changing (as shown in demo) thing in blog???
My blog:


You have to use premium version of this template for using that color changing feature and unlocking few other things!
Are you interested to buy the premium version?


Hi! My blog does not appear in google search engine after using this template! What could be a problem and how am gonna solve it please?!


please am using the template how can i add adsense between post??thanks

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how could i create pages that will link to a specific post,example if it is about SPORT,POLITICS,TECHNOLOGY......i want a reader click on specific news he/she want and link to it


how could i create pages that will link to a specific post,example if it is about SPORT,POLITICS,TECHNOLOGY......i want a reader click on specific news he/she want and link to it


can i use code nivarna template for my website?


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