It is possible to Shut down PC using a C program. All you have to do is send a command to the operating system using command prompt within the programs domain.
Source Code for Windows 7
#include <stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> main() { char ch; printf("Do you want to shutdown your computer now(y/n)\n"); scanf("%c",&ch); if(ch=='y' || ch=='Y') system("C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\shutdown /s"); return 0; }
Source Code for Windows XP
#include <stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> main() { char ch; printf("Do you want to shutdown your computer now(y/n)\n"); scanf("%c",&ch); if(ch=='y' || ch=='Y') system("C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\shutdown -s"); return 0; }
A prompt for approval of shutting down the computer will pop out, if you press 'y' then your computer will shutdown in 30 seconds, system function of "stdlib.h" is used to run an executable file shutdown.exe which is present in C:\WINDOWS\system32 in Windows XP. You can use various options while executing shutdown.exe for example -s option shutdown the computer after 30 seconds, if you wish to shutdown immediately then you can write "shutdown -s -t 0" as an argument to system function. If you wish to restart your computer then you can write "shutdown -r".
Windows will turn off.
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Nice program thanks a lot for sharing with us by www.quizvook.com
Replyyo bro... this tutorial is superb..... i like it.......awsome....
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